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UN acknowledges action taken by Pakistani Govt against individuals engaged in terrorist activities
February 06, 2021

A new United Nations report has acknowledged the action taken by Pakistani government against individuals engaged in terrorist activities.

The acknowledgement came in the 27th report presented to the UN Security Council, under the UN monitoring team that tracks Al Qaeda, Islamic State and other extremist groups.

The report, in this regard, points to the arrests in Pakistan of individuals engaging in terrorism financing and the freezing of the assets of designated individuals and entities.

The report also recognized threat to Pakistan posed by Afghanistan-based Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan and Jamaat-ul-Ahrar terrorists.

It said the terror group Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan is responsible for over 100 'cross-border' attacks within three months last year.

Last year, Pakistan handed over a dossier to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on the Indian sponsorship of TTP and Jamaat-ul-Ahrar.