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Analysts slam human rights violations of minorities, especially Muslims, in Modi-led India
December 08, 2020

Abdullah Gul (Defense Analyst): BJP is ruling India with a specific agenda of promoting extremism and Hindutva ideology. Even the low-class Hindus are the targets of Hindu extremists. RSS is a combination of many Indian political parties. The Hindu extremists, including politicians, have been issuing embarrassing and shameful remarks in favor of martyrdom of Babri mosque. The fact is that a huge number of minorities in India, including Muslims, Sikhs, Christians and others have been living in a miserable condition. Back in 1980s, over 8900 Sikhs were brutally killed in India in Operation Blue Star. Since then Sikhs have been struggling for an independent state. Some Australian Christians were burnt alive by Hindu extremists in a church. Similarly, people belonging to religions other than Hinduism have forcefully been converted to Hindus. There is no one safe from extremist mindset of the Indian government. The statement of the United States based renowned scholar Prof. Noam Chomsky is enough to expose true Indian policies. The policies of Narendra Modi have led India towards isolation and destruction. India has continuously been increasing its defense capabilities. Although, Pakistan is a nuclear power but our capacity is aimed at self-defense. The world has to realize that a nuclear war between India and Pakistan will not be in favor of any country and it will have wide ranging impacts.

Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Raza Muhammad Khan (Defense Analyst): The present Indian government as per its manifesto is specifically targeting minorities and depriving them of their basic religious rights. The world has started taking notice of the discriminatory Indian policies towards the minorities. There is no doubt that Modi-led government's policies are not only a threat to India itself, but also dangerous for the entire region. India will continue its aggressive policies until and unless the political and diplomatic pressure is mounted on it by the world. UNSC, OIC and other organizations have to play a vital role in this regard. Pakistan, on its end, has effectively highlighted Indian aggressive and discriminatory policies before the world.

Altaf Hameed Rao (Kashmiri Journalist): We can expect anything from the fascist Modi regime. Many Indian intellectuals have also been criticizing the policies of incumbent Indian government. Indian forces in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir have been using brutal tactics to suppress the voice of Kashmiris. On the other hand, brave Kashmiris are determined to get their right to self-determination despite all draconian Indian policies. International human rights champions must take notice of Indian unilateral decision on the status of the valley and force New Delhi to stop committing its massive human rights violations and genocide in IIOJ&K.