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Analysts hail determination of nation and security forces to defeat the menace of terrorism
January 09, 2021

Brig. (Retd.) Haris Nawaz (Defense Analyst): Another unfortunate incident occurred in Balochistan and once again the poor and innocent Hazara people were targeted by the militants. Certain elements, including BLA and others, with the support and assistance of Indian spy agency RAW have been trying to destabilize Pakistan through cowardly terror attacks. Unfortunately, PDM is still creating a situation and doing politics on the dead bodies of the Mach victims. However, the government, military leadership and security agencies are keen to take all measures to ensure the safety and security of Hazara community. It is not only India, but the United States and other countries have also been trying to sabotage China Pakistan Economic Corridor project. United States is using India to counter emerging China and also creating instability in Pakistan. The only motive of these elements is that CPEC should not be completed within specified time, whereas Pakistan and China are determined to complete this game changing project at all costs. India is trying to weaken Pakistan Army and doing propagandas in this regard. Unfortunately, PDM leadership is supporting Indian narrative by directly criticizing the military leadership for the sake of their personal and political interests. The incumbent government is doing its best to strengthen the economy of the country.

Dr. Rasheed Ahmed Khan (IR Expert): Pakistan is taking right approach in advocating Kashmir dispute and urging the world to give the Kashmiris their fundamental right to self-determination. For a long period of time, India would hide behind its false claims and propaganda but it has now badly been exposed in front of the world. The credit goes to present government and we must appreciate its efforts at diplomatic level. It is our moral responsibility to continue urging the world human rights organizations to take notice of Indian human rights violations in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and its discriminatory policies towards the minorities as well. Pakistan has achieved successes at international forums in exposing cruel Indian face in front of the world. It is time for the international community to take note of what India is doing as it is a continuous threat to regional peace and stability.

Air Vice Marshal (Retd.) Ikramullah Bhatti (Defense Analyst): Pakistan is highlighting Kashmir dispute at all international forums. Islamabad has also presented a dossier to the UN underscoring Indian human rights abuses in IIOJ&K. Recently, in a report of EU DisinfoLab, Indian propaganda against Pakistan at global level has been exposed. We have the statement of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on record in which he admitted Indian involvement in Balochistan. Moreover, New Delhi is also using Afghan soil and providing financial assistance to militants to carry our terror activities in Pakistan. Keeping in view these activities, our intelligence agencies must be pro-active, especially in Balochistan and border areas of KPK, in order to expose anti-Pakistan propaganda. Pakistan should continue its efforts to highlight Indian nefarious designs at diplomatic front in order to exert international pressure on India.

Dr. Talat Wizarat (IR Expert): Kashmir is a disputed territory and internationally recognized in UN resolutions. It is the longest standing issue on UN charter. It is unfortunate that the Kashmiris are still deprived of their fundamental right to self-determination. India will never be able to illegally occupy IIOJ&K despite the use of brute force against unarmed and innocent Kashmiris. The international community has trade interests with India and therefore it is unable to force New Delhi to stop its human rights violations in IIOJ&K. I would like to salute the courage and commitment of brave Kashmiris who have not shied away from their inalienable right to self-determination. Kashmiris will never let sacrifices of their ancestors go waste. Sooner or later, the Kashmiris will get freedom for which they have been striving for decades.