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Analysts hail OIC’s strong support to the Kashmiris’ right to self-determination
November 10, 2021

Shamim Shawl (Hurriyat leader): The recently held meeting between Hurriyet leaders and OIC envoy is a historic development in Kashmir issue. The international community has acknowledged the barbaric atrocities meted out by fascist Indian government. The human rights report published by the OIC has challenged the prevailing discourse and information about the Kashmir issue that is complicit with Indian illegal occupation. Moreover, the practical steps taken by Muslim countries will have impinging pressure on Indian atrocities. Bahrain should be appreciated for cutting off their economic and trade ties with India on the grounds of the Kashmir issue. The rest of the Muslim countries should pressurize India to halt the ongoing ethnic cleansing in occupied Kashmir. The brutal defiance of constitution by Indian un-democratic government should be highlighted at international platforms to urge them for immediate pull out of troops from Kashmir.  

Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Raza Muhammad Khan (Defense Analyst): Organization of Islamic Cooperation is the only representative of the Muslim world at international level. The grievances of Muslim countries can be effectively communicated to the international community by virtue of OIC. So, OIC can play a deterministic role in promoting the Kashmir cause at international level. The fascist India has deployed thousands of troops in the illegally occupied Kashmir to subjugate the freedom fighters. But, the recent development at the platform of OIC will deter Indian sponsored atrocities in Kashmir. Pakistan, being a major regional actor has played a constructive role in promoting peace in the region but India has always promoted anarchy that is evident from their illegal occupation of Kashmir. Kashmiris’ right of self-determination is inalienable and Pakistan should keep on putting diplomatic and political pressure on India to provide Kashmiris with their fundamental rights. The looming situation in the illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir is growing worse and it is duty of the international community to provide Kashmiris with their right of self-determination. The Kashmir issue is a territorial dispute and India should be countered at international forums for portraying it as an internal issue.  

Maj. Gen. (Retd.) Ejaz Awan (Defense Analyst): The Afghan Foreign Minister's visit to Pakistan will have strategic implications for the region and specifically for Pakistan. The relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan should be deciphered in isolation with their bilateral relations with other major powers as Afghanistan shares a vast border with Pakistan. This border used to be porous in the past and thousands of refugees have taken refuge in Pakistan. Thus, Pakistan has always promoted peace in Afghanistan and has expected them to reciprocate the same. This high level meeting will have overarching influence on the ongoing negotiations between TTP and Pakistan's government. Also, the indispensable issue of the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan will be discussed in the meeting with representatives of China, Russia, and the US. It is the need of the hour that the international community complements Afghanistan in attaining economic stability. Else wise, Afghanistan will face the same fate like Iraq where armed forces dissolved into ISIS due to political and economic turmoil. 

Taslim Aslam (Former Ambassador): The visit of Afghanistan's acting Foreign Minister is a major development in the region as it will decide the future of Afghan people. The envoy will also conduct bilateral meetings with the regional powers like China and Russia. The diligent efforts of Pakistan are being materialized and it is the right time to pressure the US as well as the international community to help avert the impending humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. The economic stability in a country complements political stability and the US should help the war torn Afghanistan in achieving economic stability. For that purpose, the foremost step should be unfreezing of legit funds of Afghanistan. In the long term, Afghanistan should be provided with de-jure recognition by the international community to help them in rejuvenating trade and diplomatic ties with the international community. Else wise, the pertinent threat of terrorism, drug trafficking and Daesh will again steer Afghanistan back to political upheaval.