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Analysts extol OIC's and Pakistan's diligent efforts for resolution of Kashmir Question
November 11, 2021

Sardar Masood Khan (Former president of Azad Jammu and Kashmir): OIC has a potential to play decisive role in representation of grievances of Muslim World at international level. The apparent balance of power equilibrium that implicitly complies with Indian dominance in the South Asian region has been shook to the core by today's visit of OIC envoy in Azad Jammu Kashmir. Imran Khan has always disseminated blunt statements for India on Kashmir issue and OIC's current step has unleashed peace spoilers in the context of Kashmir issue. OIC should further step ahead and should urge India to allow them and other Human Rights Protection watchdogs to freely visit illegally Indian occupied Kashmir.

Lt. General Retd. Asim Yasin Malik: (Former Defense Secretary): Troika plus conference has emerged as a ray of hope for culmination of looming humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. Pakistan has opted for optimal strategy to engage international community in Afghanistan through negotiations with interim Taliban government. Troika plus conference is an unprecedent step taken to impede the impending humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. Moreover, the absence of major political actors in Indian held conference on Afghan issues is a tight slap on the face of their nefarious diplomatic practices. India has always tried to obscure the peace development process in the region but this time Pakistan has snubbed India.  The mass exodus of NATO troops from Afghanistan is evident of America's water shedding defeat in Afghanistan. Now, US should accept its defeat and should be urged to comply with their moral obligation that is to Afghanistan in resurrection.  

Lt. General Retd. Naeem Khalid Lodhi: (Former Defense Minister): Pakistan is complementing newly incumbent Taliban government to establish law and order situation in their country. Furthermore, Pakistan is vocal about the imminent humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan at international level. Now, Pakistan should focus on urging regional powers to play constructive role in resolving Afghanistan's issues as the political upheaval in Afghanistan is synonymous to political instability at regional as well as international level. Moreover, international community should provide assistance to the war torn Afghanistan in rejuvenating their political and economic system. Taliban cannot be isolated in contemporary era and US should acknowledge the fact that the epoch of 1990's is over.

Najam-us-Saqib: (Former Ambassador): OIC was primarily established to curb the Palestinian territorial dispute. But, OIC has always brought Indian obscenity in Kashmir under limelight. There were few misunderstandings between OIC and Pakistan due to our inclinations towards west but now our bilateral diplomatic relations have been restored. The today's OIC envoy's visit to Azad Jammu and Kashmir will deter India as OIC has shown that Muslim World is not dead yet. India is subjugating innocent Kashmiri's rampantly and is out rightly pursuing ethnic cleansing in Kashmir. But, the recent developments at the platform of OIC will sack Indian sponsored atrocities in Kashmir and it might lead to a legitimate solution for Kashmir issue.