Monday, 08 July 2024, 04:25:20 am

War against COVID-19 can be won with nation’s collective resolve: PM
April 22, 2020

Prime Minister Imran Khan says war against Corona pandemic can be won with the collective resolve and action of the nation.

Expressing his views on Corona pandemic and other important issues in Islamabad on Tuesday, he said whole world is facing the negative impacts of Corona pandemic. He said the countries facing higher number of mortalities due to Corona are now also debating the economic impact of lockdown. He said everywhere now there are discussions of relaxing the lockdown to restart economic activity.

Imran Khan said 192 persons have lost their lives in Pakistan so far. In USA, Britain, Italy and Spain, thousands of people have died by this killer bug.

He said lockdown cannot remain in force in any country for indefinite period as no one knows when the Corona pandemic will end.

Imran Khan said Pakistan is facing the dual challenge of overcoming Corona pandemic and saving the people from hunger. He said our government decided to relax lockdown gradually by opening the cement sector first and then construction industry. He said the industries that are being opened will have to follow SOPs given by the government.

Imran Khan said undue criticism is being made by certain quarters against Tiger Force. He said Corona Tiger Force comprises volunteers and is working without any remuneration or political affiliation. They will disseminate information as well as deliver ration to people at their doorstep.

He said whole country is fighting against Corona virus unitedly. He said we are a free country and cannot stop people by police who want to go to mosques for prayers.

He said a meeting was held with religious figures and Ulema agreed on all twenty precautionary points for opening of mosques. He said if precautionary measures are not taken by people in mosques and there are reports of spread of virus, the decision can be reviewed by the government. The Prime Minister urged people to do their maximum prayers preferably at home.

Planning Minister Asad Umar said a consensus has been developed between all provinces for testing, tracing and isolation and pilot tests will be held in one or two districts of each province. He said smart lockdown will be implemented in high risk areas.

Focal person on Corona Dr. Faisal said Pakistan is relatively in better position than many developed countries of the world. However, we need to keep this by following the precautionary measures strictly.

Special Assistant on Poverty Alleviation and Social Protection Dr. Sania Nishtar said more than 60 billion rupees have been disbursed among needy and deserving people under Ehsaas Emergency Cash program. She expressed optimism that program will be able to reach 10 million families. She said Prime Minister inaugurated Ehsaas Ration Portal today in which charities and philanthropic organizations can register themselves. This program will help people getting ration who are daily wagers and are not able to work due to lockdown.

Minister for Industries Hammad Azhar said a large package will be presented in meeting of National Coordination Committee tomorrow. After its approval by NCC and cabinet, it will be advertised on media. This package aims at helping people who have lost their jobs due to lockdown.

He said another package is being brought for electricity and will be launched later this month. He said small and medium businesses with commercial meters will benefit from this package.

Hammad Azhar said we are working with Ministry of Finance and State Bank of Pakistan to introduce a scheme of loans for people who do not have any collateral to offer.

Special Assistant on National Security Dr. Moeed Yusuf said Torkham and Chaman crossings have been opened and a specified number of Pakistanis have started returning from Afghanistan. He said border with India is closed and some Pakistanis have returned. He said as soon as border with India opens, more Pakistanis will be able to return back.
