Prime Minister Azad Jammu and Kashmir Raja Farooq Haider and the Chief Executive Officers of China Three Gorges and China Gezhouba separately held meetings with Chairman CPEC Authority Lt. General (retired) Asim Saleem Bajwa in Islamabad.
They discussed Kohala Power and Azad Pattan power projects and further coordination for their execution.
In a tweet, the Chairman CPEC Authority said the projects will produce 1800 megawatts of hydel power and generate eight thousand jobs.
PM AJK & CEOs of China Three Gorges & China Gezhouba visited separately to thank CPEC Authority for helping realise Kohala Power&Azad Pattan power Projects & further coord for their execution.$4 Bn Investment,1800 MW cheaper Hydel power with 8000 jobs. #cpec #CPECMakingProgress
— Asim Saleem Bajwa (@AsimSBajwa) July 10, 2020