Saturday, 27 July 2024, 08:21:48 am

The visit of PM Shahbaz Sharif will further deepen the biltaeral relations between two friendly nations

The Prime Minister is on a five day visit to China along with a high level delegation and also 150 Pakistani businessmen are accompanying him. Over 35 Pakistani companies signed over 35 agreements with different Chinese companies in fields of IT, solar power, textiles and others. The Prime Minister also visited Huawei headquarters and urged the company to invest in development projects in Pakistan. The Prime Minister spent a very busy day in Beijing today and met with high-level business officials and motivated them to invest in Pakistan. The Prime Minister also addressed a business forum and after that there was one to one meeting of Chinese investors with Pakistani ministers. The focus of the Prime Minister is to ensure a 25 billion dollars investment in the IT sector in the next three years. The Prime Minister will also meet the Chinese President and we are expecting good announcements of this meeting. Overall the visit of the Prime Minister has been very successful so far.