Friday, 28 February 2025, 05:06:25 pm


News & Current Affairs Channel

PBC launched its News and Current Affairs Channel in November 2000. The channel was converted into National Broadcasting Service in 2008 with current affairs contents mixed with entertainment and cultural programmes.

The News & Current Affairs Channel was revived in 2013. Presently, NCAC broadcasts 13 hrs time programmes from 8.00 a.m to 9.00 pm daily from Islamabad and 8 hours daily from Provincial Headquarters.

Programmes: Breaking News‚ hourly News bulletins‚ live coverage of important events including press conferences by government and opposition‚ talk shows‚ discussions/ interactive discussions‚ commentaries‚ interviews Live calls and on the spot coverage.

Network of News and Current Affairs Channel

Transmitter  Frequency
Islamabad   1152 Khz
Lahore 1332 Khz
Karachi 639  Khz
Quetta 756 Khz
Peshawar   1170 Khz

Radiating on 3999.75 Mhz on Satellite Pak Sat1R.

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