Dr. Huma Baqai (Expert on International Relations):
The bilateral relations of Pakistan and China are getting better every day and it is vital keeping in view the current regional situation. The policies of extremist Narendra Modi are a continuous threat for the regional peace and security. Donald Trump in last days of his tenure signed a collaborative defense mechanism with India which is not only a threat for China but Pakistan as well. China has supported Pakistan in every crucial time and also supported the narrative of Pakistan on Kashmir dispute, Gilgit-Baltistan and other regional issues on all international forums. China Pakistan Economic Corridor project is going to be economic strengthening project as far as Pakistan is concerned. Almost all the regional countries other than India are part of this project. India with the support of United States is making efforts to sabotage the project just to affect Chinese economy. India considers CPEC as strategic convergence of Pakistan and China. The economic future of Pakistan and other regional countries is linked with this mega project. We are expecting Pak-China relations continue and get stronger with the time.
Dr. A.Z. Hilali (IR Expert):
The foreign and diplomatic policies of Pakistan towards China are very clear and stable and mainly focused on strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries. China is a time-tested friend of Pakistan and friendship of both the countries is higher than mountains, deeper than the ocean, stronger than steel and sweeter than honey. China wants Pakistan economically and politically stable and Pakistan also wants China to be acknowledged as world's economic power. Pakistan has rendered matchless sacrifices and incurred huge financial loss in the fight against terrorism. China was the only country that heavily invested in Pakistan at that crucial times through CPEC in order to bring Pakistani economy right on track. CPEC is a game changer project that will bring an economic revolution in South Asian region. Both Pakistan and China are determined for the completion of this project at all costs. We are not yet sure about the policies of new US Administration towards South Asian region particularly towards China. However, the good understanding between Pakistan and China must continue for the sake of peace and prosperity in the region. China has always supported to Pakistan's principled stance on Kashmir issue.
Dr. Talat Wazarat (Expert on International Relations):
Pakistan-China relations are multi-dimensional and both are all-weather friends. Some elements have been continuously trying to sabotage China-Pakistan Economic Corridor in order to create misunderstandings between the two countries. Another factor in this regard is that these elements are also making efforts to destabilize the economy of Pakistan. China's consistent support to Pakistan in pursuit of Pakistan's national development goals is an open secret and this is indigestible to anti-Pakistan elements. China and Pakistan have shaped a paradigm of neighbor-to-neighbor relations. Despite differences in ideology, religion, culture and social system, the bilateral ties have withstood various tests and vicissitudes of international situations.
Dr. Waseem Khawaja (Spokesman, PIMS Hospital):
It is unfortunate that the people in the country have adopted careless attitude towards the resurgence of COVID-19. There is a strong need to follow the guidelines and SOPs issued by Health Experts in order to stay safe from the impacts of this pandemic. This time the intensity of COVID-19 is higher. So far, there are over 137 deaths due to corona only in PIMS hospital. The hospital dedicated for corona patients are almost full of their capacity. People must stay home as much as possible and go out whenever it is necessary. There is a need to maintain social distancing and wearing of masks. We must wash hands regularly. The prevailing situation of Coronavirus in Pakistan is better in comparison with other developed countries.