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JKPM pays glowing tributes to Jammu martyrs
November 07, 2020

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In Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Movement, a constituent of All Parties Hurriyat Conference has paid glowing tributes to the Jammu martyrs of 1947.

Speaking at a gathering in Jammu, APHC leader and JKPM Chairman, Mir Shahid Saleem said that hundreds of thousands of Muslim across the Jammu region were killed by the forces of Dogra Maharaja, Indian Army and Hindu extremists in November 1947 while they were migrating to Pakistan.

He said this was one of the worst examples of ethnic cleansing in the human history.

Mir Shahid Saleem said that today communal forces have again started questioning the presence of Muslims in Jammu city.