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Analysts hail government’s measures to provide relief to the common man
November 08, 2021

Salman Shah (Advisor to CM Punjab on Economic Affairs): Prime Minister Imran Khan has taken immaculate steps to provide relief to the underprivileged people across the country. It is undoubtedly quite challenging situation for the incumbent government as the sugar crisis has political as well as economic strings that are corroding the price control mechanisms in Pakistan. To curb this issue, Prime Minister Imran Khan has ordered to initiate sugar crushing process across the country in order to meet demand in the market. Moreover, this step implies that the incumbent government is well aware of the nefarious practices that are prevalent in the market and have adverse effect on the price control. The PTI-led government has vowed to strengthen the supply chain by stopping the malpractices of the major industrial actors that will urge them to stop pursuing their parochial interests over national interest. For instance, in the contemporary sugar crisis, the delay in the crushing of sugar has resulted in economic turmoil and such ill-practices should be stopped once and for all. In the long-run, the incumbent government has envisaged to de-regulate the entire sector that will introduce strong competition in the market and will eventually provide quality services to the end consumers in the market.

Maj. Gen. (Retd.) Ejaz Awan (Defense Analyst): The looming humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan is evident and the international community, especially the US, is deliberately ignoring the havocs of their post-war scenario. The US has an evangelical belief of being the most civilized nation and champion of democracy. But, the unfortunate developments in the war-torn Afghanistan depict an ironic story that can be taken as US humiliation and defeat in the war on terrorism. US always constructs a demonized image of their enemies at international level to punish them but in the case of Afghanistan, punishing Talibans is synonymous to punishing innocent Afghans. The regional countries should follow the footsteps of Pakistan as Islamabad has diligently put efforts to promote peace and stability in Afghanistan. Pakistan is accused of planting Talibans in the region but in reality it is India that has always played the role of a spoiler in the region.  India should shun its destructive role in the promotion of peace and stability in Afghanistan, otherwise the political turmoil will have spill over effect in the entire region.

Syed Fakhar Imam (Federal Minister for National Food Security): Since the inception of Pakistan, the industrial sector is being ill-regulated due to natural monopolists that always regard their personal interests over general welfare. The current sugar crisis has escalated due to black marketing by industrial giants. This practice boosts artificial demand of commodities in the market that has adverse effect not only on the supply chain mechanism but also on the economic growth of the country. Prime Minister Imran Khan has ordered the relevant authorities to ensure that the sugar mills are operating in accordance with the spirits of law and the ones breaching law should be punished. Moreover, for the short term mitigation of sugar crisis, the government is importing 1.5 lac tons of sugar to meet the demand in the market. However, the imports will prove costly for the country and additional steps will be required to further control the price mechanism.

Abdullah Gul (Expert Afghan Affairs): The ongoing humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan is a watershed moment for the international community as the US has previously brought catastrophe by using inhumane war tactics and weapons. But now, the US has signed a peace deal with the same Talibans in Doha which has provided them with the de-facto legitimacy at international level. US should abandon pursuing its dual standards and after negotiations and withdrawal of their military forces there is no point of freezing Afghan funds. The international community is playing the role of an American stooge in Afghan issue and now they have morphed their exploitation tools into economic subversion. Pakistan has been playing a decisive role in the promotion of peace and regional stability but in return the Islamabad is being accused of terrorist funding by FATF which implies that the enemies of peace are targeting Pakistan. China should also step forward and help Afghanistan via Pakistan as Islamabad has shared this economic burden for decades. Moreover, US will again try to intervene in this region under the tag of humanitarian crisis but in reality the US does not want Russia and China to shape the contours of power politics in this region. Thus, to promote peace in Afghanistan the international community including the EU and regional players should play a constructive role in establishment of peace and stability in Afghanistan. Moreover, the Taliban are well-groomed now and they should be granted de-jure recognition by international community.