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World praises Pakistan’s success in int’l, regional politics: Analysts
September 10, 2021

Dr. Muhammad Shoaib (IR Expert):The humanitarian situation in Afghanistan is rapidly deteriorating and Pakistan has rightly urged the international community to make joint efforts to overcome the issue. The United Nations has also warned of a humanitarian catastrophe in Afghanistan, with food stocks running low because of disruptions caused by conflict as well as a severe drought. Pakistan at this point of time is careful and does not want to repeat mistakes as in previous era of Taliban government. Pakistan, at the diplomatic level, urging the neighboring countries of Afghanistan and regional stakeholders including Russia and China to accept the Taliban regime as it cannot solely accept Taliban regime at international level. Pakistan also urged Taliban to come up with mature policies as per international standards in order to gain acceptance globally.

Maj Gen (Retd) Ijaz Awan (Defense Analyst): It is a monthly feature and the Corps Commanders meet once in a month to discuss the internal, external and regional threats. India has been rooted out from Afghanistan after Taliban took over the control of Kabul. India used Afghan soil to create instability in Pakistan with the support of BLA, Afghan intelligence agency NDS and other militant organizations. Indian presence in Afghanistan was badly hurting our strategic interests. India has lost strategic space in Afghanistan after Ashraf Ghani. Indian media once again started anti-Pakistan propaganda and accusing Pakistan for being involved in Panjshir attacks. These propagandas are nothing but efforts to malign Pakistan at international level. The Corps Commanders Conference has emphasized for close cooperation among regional stakeholders. The Corps Commanders in the meeting also reiterated the commitment to protect the country against any aggressive and nefarious designs.

Lt Gen (Retd) Naeem Khalid Lodhi (Defense Analyst): Pakistan has always worked for peace and prosperity in the region and its role is being hailed by the world leaders. The foreign dignitaries from European Union, Great Britain, United States, Spain and others are visiting Pakistan. It is a clear indication that narrative of Pakistan on regional issues is being acknowledged across the globe. Sooner or later, Pakistan will have an important place in international politics. There is a need of political stability and consensus on national issues.

Dr. A.Z. Hilali (IR Expert): As far as the current situation in Afghanistan is concerned, Pakistan is at the frontline and regional hub for developments in Afghanistan. The soft image of Pakistan is improved globally and the entire world is appreciating the role of Pakistan in regional politics. Pakistan has rendered great sacrifices in war against terror in terms of precious lives and huge financial losses. The international community must come forward to compensate the losses of Pakistan. It is unfortunate that one of our neighboring countries with nefarious designs is destabilizing balance of power in the region. But now the world is giving prime importance to Pakistan in the current regional developments.