Friday, 28 June 2024, 12:56:14 pm

ECC approves to continue provision of subsidized electricity to five export-oriented sectors
March 11, 2020

Economic Coordination Committee has approved a proposal for a special relief package to further continue provision of subsidized electricity until June 2020 to five export-oriented sectors.

The meeting of ECC was held in Islamabad today (Wednesday) with Advisor to the Prime Minister on Finance Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh in the chair.

The meeting also discussed proposal to increase wheat support price to 1400 rupees per 40 kg. It will convene a special session tomorrow afternoon to discuss a detailed plan to keep the flour prices at the lowest possible level throughout the year.

The ECC also approved National Telecommunication Corporation's revised budget estimates for 2018-19 and 2019-20.

The meeting approved a proposal by Power Division for two amendments aimed at providing ease of doing business to upstream Petroleum sector.

