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Analysts hail sincere role of Pakistan for peace and stability in Afghanistan
August 17, 2021

Dr. Rasul Bakhsh Rais (IR Expert): The Afghan Taliban have declared the war in Afghanistan over after taking control of the presidential palace in Kabul. They also announced a general amnesty for the Afghan people and government employees. After withdrawal of NATO forces, there was perception of chaos and anarchy in the war-torn country. But the way Afghanistan Taliban advanced and took control of various areas without any major resistance has stunned the world. Basically, Afghan government was never interested in negotiations with the Taliban. However, the United States recognized the legitimacy of the Afghan Taliban and initiated a peace process with the major stakeholders. The entire world including Iran, Pakistan, China, Turkey, Qatar and others were interacting with Taliban in one way or another. It was only Afghan government that had adopted inflexible attitude towards intra-Afghan dialogue. India currently serving as President of the UN Security Council has consistently excluded Pakistan from the meetings over prevailing situation in Afghanistan. Pakistan's permanent representative to UN Munir Akram in civilized diplomatic language has informed the world about India’s negative attitude towards Pakistan. Pakistan which is a major regional stakeholder and played an important role in facilitating US-Taliban dialogue process was not allowed to participate in a key meeting over Afghan situation.

Brig. (Retd.) Haris Nawaz (Defense Analyst): It is unfortunate that India being the one-month President of UNSC is adopting discriminatory attitude towards Pakistan. The world acknowledges the role of Pakistan for peace and stability in Afghanistan. Pakistan arranged meetings of Afghan Taliban with the US officials and also played an important role in convincing the Taliban for intra-Afghan dialogue process. We tried in every way possible to engage Afghan Taliban in the negotiation process. Unfortunately, Pakistan was not allowed to attend the meeting of UNSC over current Afghan situation. Not only India but the United States is also responsible for this act. United States has lost the war in Afghanistan. India is also frustrated as its investments in the land-locked country are ruined after Taliban took over Kabul.

Dr. Zahid Anwar Khan (Expert Afghan Affairs): We were not anticipating that the Afghan government would cease to exist in no time and Taliban would take over the country. Entire international community, including the United States, is keeping an eye on the fast changing situation in Afghanistan.  India has always played the role of a spoiler in the region as it has been creating problem for Pakistan. It is a good omen that Afghanistan land would not be used against Pakistan in any way. Pakistan always desired and continued to support a peaceful, stable, united, independent, democratic, sovereign and prosperous Afghanistan. It is expected that Afghans would create a peaceful and stable government in Afghanistan following taking over of main cities. The role of China and Pakistan has always been important in Afghan peace process.

Dr. Sarfraz Ahmed Khan (Expert Afghan Affairs): Pakistan is an important regional stakeholder and its role for the success of the peace process between Afghan Taliban and United States has been acknowledged by the world. Pakistan has always worked for a peaceful and stable Afghanistan and is now striving for smooth transfer of power in Afghanistan. Pakistan is determined to engage with the United State and other international partners in promoting efforts for supporting a peaceful and stable Afghanistan. Islamabad made tangible contribution to the Afghan peace process including signing of the US-Taliban peace agreement, initiation of intra-Afghan dialogue, adoption of rules of procedure for Afghan talks and establishment of the Afghan-Pakistan Action Plan for Peace and Solidarity.