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India's nefarious designs stand exposed before the world: Analysts
November 24, 2020

Brigadier, retired, Ejaz Awan (Defence Analyst). It is highly condemnable that the Indian government has issued thousands of domiciles to non-Kashmiris. It is responsibility of the United Nations to stop Indian state-sponsored terrorism in the IIOJK. Kashmir Freedom Movement cannot be suppressed by the force. The BJP-led Indian government has a malicious agenda to change the demographic composition of Occupied Kashmir through illegal settlements. The right of self determination is the legal right of people of Kashmir. India is ignoring international laws and committing the worst atrocities in the held valley. The world powers must take notice of Indian brutalities in the held valley. The world must realize that Kashmir is the nuclear flash point between India and Pakistan and any confrontation between two nuclear states can bring catastrophic consequences.

Dr. Amna Mehmood (IR Expert): There is no doubt that India is deliberately trying to change the special status of Kashmir. The United Nations and the world powers have failed to resolve the issue of Kashmir. Pakistan is pursuing an effective diplomacy in order to highlight the Kashmir issue at the international front. It is high time for Pakistan to strengthen its lobbying to gain maximum support at international level. More efforts are required to sensitize the world community regarding the worst human rights violations in the held valley.

Lieutenant General, retired, Naeem Khalid Lodhi (Defense Analyst): It is useless to look forward to the world powers and the United Nations as far as the Kashmir issue is concerned. Pakistan is committed to stand with its Kashmir brethren against Indian atrocities in IIOJK. The issue of Kashmir can only be resolved through consistent support of Kashmiri people. The brave people of Kashmir have been rendering matchless sacrifices for their legit right of self determination for the last seven decades. 

Brigadier, retired, Said Nazir: (Defense Analyst): It is unfortunate that the International community has kept mum over massive human rights violations in Indian Illegal Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Negotiated settlement of the Kashmir dispute is the only viable option to promote peace and stability in the region. Minorities’ rights are not safe during BJP-led regime in India. The Kashmir issue should be resolved in lines with the United Nations Security Council’s resolutions and the wishes and aspirations of the people of Kashmir. It is unfortunate that New Delhi has been implementing a well-planned strategy of military occupation, and land confiscation in IIOJ&K since India’s illegal annexation of Kashmir on 5 August last year.