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Pakistan’s efforts for Afghan peace process appreciated globally: Analysts
June 26, 2021

Prof. Dr. Sarfraz Khan (I.R Expert): There is no military solution of Afghan conflict. Only politically negotiated settlement can promote peace in war torn country. Pakistan will continue to support an Afghan owned and Afghan led peace process for regional stability. Pakistan will do everything to promote a political settlement of the long-running conflict in Afghanistan, except the use of military action. Pakistan will only recognize a government which is chosen by the people of Afghanistan.

Dr. A.Z Hilali (I.R Expert): Pakistan is making sincere efforts to bring peace and stability in the region in general and in Afghanistan particularly. We want prosperity in Afghanistan. The military establishment of Pakistan also played vital role for Afghan peace process. Pakistan desires peace in Afghanistan as it is in Pakistan's own interest. Pakistan has once again reiterated that it will not allow its land to be used against Afghanistan even Pakistan wants such solution of the Afghan issue wherein all the stake holders have representation in the government.