Lt. Gen. (Retd) Asif Yasin Malik (Defense Analyst): On this historic day, Pakistan emerged as the first Muslim country with nuclear capacity. Pakistan shifted its strategic direction in response to Indian nuclear explosions. Going to nuclear option was critical for our integrity and territorial survival. Pakistan took a bold decision and stood firm against Indian nefarious designs. The whole nation stood behind this brave decision. This was the most powerful public supported decision in the history of Pakistan. Pakistan faced criticism only because of being a Muslim country. Despite having a strong market, India is not capable enough to compete with Chinese products. International community is biased towards Muslim world. Illegal selling of radioactive material in India is highly dangerous and could fall into the hands of criminals.
Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Naeem Khalid Lodhi (Defense Analyst): The 28th of May is a golden day in the history of Pakistan. On this day, we showed to the world that Pakistan can do anything when it comes to the security of our motherland. Pakistani nation is highly talented and all we need is to utilize this talent in the right direction. The mining of uranium was not an easy task and the army accomplished this job tactfully. The work was completed with full confidentiality. We faced great pressure from the western world to stop nuclear tests. Pakistan took a bold decision and faced all these threats for the sake of its defense. Pakistan is a responsible nuclear state. Indian uranium is being sold in the market which is posing a serious threat to global peace. Pakistan must highlight this issue at every international forum. Pakistan has the best command and control system of its nuclear assets.
Dr. Mirza Ikhtiyar Baig (Economist): Chinese are the most successful nation in the world. They emphasize on hard work and dedication to work. We have to learn the successful model of development from China. Chinese have the best global marketing network in the entire world. We can take advantage of these linkages. The Chinese collaboration in industrial zones is a win-win situation for Pakistan. Beijing has always shown interest to invest in Pakistan. Relocation of Chinese industry to special economic zones would be highly beneficial for Pakistan.
Hamayun Iqbal Shami (Economist): It is appreciable that Pakistan has successfully entered into the second phase of CPEC. Work on special economic zones is underway and industry is growing in the country. China wants to take advantage of cheap Pakistani labor. The special economic zones would generate massive job opportunities for Pakistani youth. The government must take revolutionary steps to equip the Pakistani labor with the latest skills.