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Analysts hope a broad based government in Afghanistan will result in peace and prosperity for Afghans
August 28, 2021

Maj. Gen. (Retd.) Ejaz Awan (Defence Analyst): Pakistan wants a broad-based and inclusive government in Afghanistan. It is high time to take measures for peace and stability in Afghanistan as a peaceful Afghanistan is in the best interest of Pakistan. Financial assistance will play a major role in establishment of a strong government in Afghanistan.  The U.S. has already frozen nearly $9.5 billion in assets belonging to the Afghan central bank. The international community will have to come forward to help Afghanistan if they are serious in establishing peace in Afghanistan.  Unfortunately, spoilers do not want peace in Afghanistan. The United States is solely responsible for the recent instability in Afghanistan.

Dr. Sarfaraz Ahmed (IR Expert): It is unfortunate that instability is being created in Afghanistan.  Some spoilers are responsible for destroying peace efforts in Afghanistan. The recent suicide attack on Kabul Airport, in which more than 100 people were killed, is a manifestation of conspiracies being hatched against the new government of Kabul.  The situation is worsening with every passing day in Afghanistan.  The establishment of a broad based and inclusive government in Afghanistan is needed for peace and security.

Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Naeem Khalid Lodhi (Defense Expert): There is not much vacuum after the withdrawal of NATO troops as Russia, Iran, Pakistan and other countries are ready to fill it. Americans have the option to positively play their role in Afghanistan by helping Afghans. Otherwise, they will face embarrassment. Taliban’s statements are worthy as they have shown with their actions that they are more compromising and tolerate this time. The issue of Panjshir valley will hopefully be resolved through dialogue. With the departure of American troops, there is hope of peace and stability in Afghanistan. Taliban are likely to adjust Dr Abdullah Abdullah due to his vast influence in North. However, the talks with former President Hamid Karzai may not be much fruitful.   

Dr. Zahid Anwar Khan (Afghan Expert): Situation in Afghanistan has rapidly transformed. It will take some time to settle things. If we look into regional context, these changes are positive. The principled stand of Taliban is positive to not use Afghan soil against its neighbors. This land was being used against Pakistan at the behest of India. As grip of Taliban strengthens, they are likely to make good on their promises. It is hoped that no attacks by terrorists will be allowed from Afghanistan into Pakistan. Durand Line should become a friendship point between Pakistan and Afghanistan for the benefit and prosperity of both nations. Role of Pakistan has always been positive despite the conspiracies of spoilers. Pakistan has always worked for peace and stability in neighboring Afghanistan. The role of India has been negative and as a spoiler since the beginning. It has launched a smear campaign at international level against Pakistan but it failed miserably in its attempts.