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Analysts praise Pakistan for manufacturing arms to ensure balance of power in region
January 03, 2024

Lt Gen (Retd) Abdul Qayyum Khan (Defense Analyst): India never accepted Pakistan as an independent state. We have fought four wars with India on the Kashmir issue. In 1971, India violated all international norms and started conspiracy against Pakistan. India has realized that it can never defeat Pakistan on ground so it initiated a hybrid war aimed to diplomatically isolate Pakistan in the world. Pakistan has the world's best army and its arms are manufactured from its own resources. Pakistan is capable of defending its sovereignty at all costs. The need of the hour is that we must be economically strengthened so that the world can pay attention to our concerns. All the forces of Pakistan are always ready to respond to any aggression against the motherland.

Lt Gen (Retd) Raza Muhammad Khan (Defense Analyst): The Chief of Army Staff during his visit to the United States talked about the balance of power in the region. India is always indulging in war, whereas Pakistan has always utilized its own available resources to increase the defense capabilities. Unfortunately, the West is supporting India and encouraging New Delhi to be part of the arm race in order to attain regional hegemony. Pakistani security forces including Navy and Air Force must strengthen its capabilities in order to respond to any threat against the motherland. Pakistan is a peace loving country but in case of any aggression, Pakistan has all the rights reserved to protect its land by all means in a befitting manner. The government and armed forces of Pakistan are giving high priority to the defense of the country. India is using a second domain against Pakistan and that is through social media. The people of Pakistan are countering the anti-Pakistan narrative of Indian media activists that means that the nation is behind its forces and supporting them to protect the country's integrity and sovereignty. The international community must also take notice of Pakistan's concerns as India may stage a false flag operation against our country in order to get votes in the general elections.

Dr. Muhammad Khan (IR Expert): Pak-China relations are historic and always smooth and forthcoming. The bilateral relations between both the countries are not limited to any specific political party but the relations are between the states. These bilateral relations are prospering with every passing day. The China Pakistan Economic Corridor project will f.urther strengthen the bonds between the two countries. Under this mega project, Gwadar port was established that is considered to be a deep sea port and is expected to become the hub of the economic activities in the region. The governments of China and Pakistan have always paid special focus on the establishment of this port as it will provide the shortest route between Pakistan and the Middle Eastern state. The port has the ability to store huge cargos, oil tankers and others. Through the operationalisation of this port, the people of this area will also get multiple job opportunities