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Constitution of 1973 modernizes relationship b/w federation, provinces: Maryam
May 04, 2023

Constitutional Historian Maryam Shahid Khan says 1973 constitution not only provides strength to the Federation by consolidating all of its units but it also modernized the relationship between Federation and provinces.

In an exclusive video podcast interview to commemorate the diamond jubilee of 1973 constitution with Radio Pakistan Lahore Correspondent Sajjad Parvez, she said that it is a democratic constitution which was made by the consensus of all the stakeholders as this constitution was passed by eighty-five percent members of the Assembly.

Discussing the journey of the formation of the 1973 constitution, Maryam Shahid said that earlier, interim constitution was made in April 1972 with the purpose to lift the Martial law in the country and to further streamline the process of the constitution making.

She said that Constitution committee was comprised of twenty-five members and three proof readings were made of 1973 constitution in order to make it free from all ambiguities.

Highlighting the difference between 1973 and 1956 constitution, she said that the process of latter was not constitutional as there were immense executive and judicial interference over there.

She said that the backbone of the 1973 constitution is 1935 Act and executive powers were relocated to federal government and residuary powers were given to provinces in 1973 constitution.

Maryam Shahid said that Council of Common Interest was established to address the developing issues among the provinces. The CCI is also meant to place various subjects such as natural resources under Federation and provinces by establishing understanding between them.

Maryam Shahid said that Bicameral legislator was formed in 1973 constitution after the introduction of upper House Senate.

Paying rich tribute to six women in drafting the 1973 constitution, she said that these women played vital role in safeguarding the rights of women in country.

She said that one seat was also reserved for woman in Council of Islamic Ideology under 1973 constitution.