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Analysts laud Pakistan’s stance to continue support for Kashmiris’ right to self-determination
January 05, 2024

Ali Raza Syed (Hurriyet Leader) History shows that since India itself took up the Kashmir issue at the United Nations in 1949, it always tried to evade UN resolutions and was reluctant to give the Kashmiris their right to self-determination. The successive governments in India tried to use force against the innocent Kashmiri people but the Kashmiris are determined to get the right of plebiscite by all means. The brutal use of force and pellet guns against the Kashmiris is witnessed by the world. There is no denying the fact that without the resolution of the Kashmir issue, regional peace is not possible. The Indian government even failed to impose its unilateral decision of abrogating article 370 and 35-A. The entire Hurriyet leadership is in the prison yet stood by the Kashmir people. The Kashmir Council EU is adopting different ways to change the public opinion on the Kashmir dispute as the international community can play an important role in forcing India to stop its aggressive policies in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The verdict of Indian Supreme Court on unilateral and unconstitutional act of India 5th June, 2019 is also unilateral and only the extension of Modi's policies targeting the Muslims. We are reminding the international community from time to time to ensure the peaceful implementation of UN resolutions which is the only way out to resolve the Kashmir dispute.

Dr Ahmed Saeed Minhas (IR Expert) The 5th January and 5th August are two important days as far the history of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir is concerned. The Foreign Minister rightly urged the international community, especially the United Nations, to play its due role to enable Kashmiris to exercise the right of self-determination as per UN Security Council resolutions. India Supreme Court took the leverage of West's support to India and gave the verdict on article 35-A and 370 as per Modi's agenda and allowing the Indian government to change the demography of Kashmir. Narendra Modi is now settling the Hindus in India Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir but the freedom fighters of Kashmir are resisting the Indian act. Moreover, the impression is being given by the social media that IIOJ&K is part of India. But it is negating the UN resolutions on Kashmir issue according to which the Kashmiris will be given the right to self-determination. The Kashmir issue is as alive as was in 1947 and four wars between the two nuclear wars have already been fought on Kashmir issue. Pakistan will continue its moral, political and diplomatic support to the Kashmir cause.

Dr A.Z. Hilali (IR Expert)  Kashmir is still the unfinished agenda at UN charter. From Nehru to Narendra Modi, none of the Indian leaders have given the right to self-determination to the Kashmiri people which are also a violation of international norms and UN resolutions. The only agenda of the Indian government is to commit the worst human rights violation in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Amnesty International and other world organizations have also criticized Indian over its aggressive policies in the occupied valley. The verdict of the Indian Supreme Court over abrogation of article 370 and 35-A is also an act of shame and a question mark on Indian claim to be the world's largest democratic state. The Indian intellectuals are also criticizing Modi's policies against the minorities particularly the Muslims. The fact is that despite the worst brutalities on innocent Kashmiris, the Indian illegal occupation of Kashmir will end one day as the Kashmiris will never step back from their right of plebiscite. No power in the world can deprive a nation from its fundamental rights so Kashmiris will get their right to self-determination in near future. Kashmiri people are not accepting the Hindu settlers at their homeland and the government's employees deployed in the valley are not performing their duties in IIOJ&K. The political parties in IIOJ&K have also turned against the Indian government and the day will come when India will have to revert its decision of abrogating special status of the Kashmir valley.