Wednesday, 12 March 2025, 09:32:05 am

Hurriyat leaders appreciate Pakistan’s unwavering support to Kashmir cause
February 05, 2025

Sheikh Abdul Mateen (Senior Hurriyat Leader): The people of Kashmir are thankful to the government of Pakistan and its nation for an unconditional support to the Kashmir cause. Pakistan has effectively highlighted Kashmir dispute on all international forums. Pakistan always advocated the Kashmir issue on all international forums. It is Pakistan that always invited India to come to the table to resolve the Kashmir issue through dialogue but India never responded in a positive way. There are tens of resolutions on Kashmir issue that are pending on the UN Charter. Pakistan always urged the international community to ensure the implementation of UN resolutions on the Kashmir dispute. It is unfortunate that the silence of the international community on this core dispute is beyond understanding. The entire Hurriyet leadership is kept under house arrest but they are determined to continue their struggle for right to self-determination till their last breath. India has deputed a huge force in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and despite the worst atrocities the Kashmiris are continuing their struggle to get their right of plebiscite.

Mushaal Malik (Hurriyat Leader): It is unfortunate that the role of the international community is not visible in case of Kashmir. The reality is that Pakistan is the only country actively supporting the Kashmiris right to self-determination. India declares the Kashmir dispute as its internal matter which is contrary to the UN charter. The Indian government abrogated article 35-A and 370 which is a clear violation of not only the UN resolutions but the international norms as well. India is doing worst type of atrocities and human rights violations in occupied territory since over seven decades but failed to suppress the freedom struggle. Pakistan is continuing its moral and diplomatic support to the Kashmiri people and highlighted the issue at all international forums. It is responsibility of international community to take cognizance of Indian brutalities in IIOJ&K and implement UN resolutions in this regard.