Wednesday, 05 March 2025, 07:49:05 am

Condolence reference for Sri Lankan national Priyantha Diyawadana to be held today
December 07, 2021


A condolence reference would be held at the Prime Minister’s Office today (Tuesday), for the Sri Lankan national Priyantha Diyawadana who was killed by a mob in Sialkot.

It is aimed to express solidarity with the bereaved family and the Sri Lankan government and people over the tragic incident.

The event would be attended by federal cabinet members, Sri Lankan High Commissioner in Pakistan Vice Admiral Mohan Wijewickrama, think tanks, academicians, religious scholars and other celebrities.

At the remembrance ceremony, a certificate of appreciation would also be awarded to Malik Adnan, in recognition of his bravery demonstrated by him to safeguard the victim while risking his own life.

Prime Minister Imran Khan has also announced to confer national award "Tamgha-i-Shujaat" to Malik Adnan to acknowledge his moral courage.