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Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua says Pakistan remains fully committed to objectives of non-proliferation and disarmament.
She was speaking at the inaugural session of a two-day international seminar on 'The present and future of strategic export controls' in Islamabad on Wednesday.
She said Pakistan shares the global concerns on the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and the threat it poses to international peace and security.
Foreign Secretary said we recognize the necessity of exercising effective control on transfers of sensitive goods and technologies to prevent their misuse and divergence.
At the same time, all states have legitimate interest in accessing dual use technologies for genuine socio-economic development needs.
She said Pakistan takes its international commitments to non-proliferation very seriously and is fully implementing its obligations as a state party to various international instruments.
Tehmina Janjua said Pakistan is actively participating in global initiative to combat nuclear terrorism.
She said Pakistan's export control regime is consistent with the standards followed by Nuclear Suppliers Group, the Missile Technology Control Regime and the Australia Group.
She said elements of nuclear safety in Pakistan include robust command and control system led by National Command Authority, rigorous regulatory regime, comprehensive export control regime and international cooperation.
She said Pakistan has declared voluntary adherence to guidelines of Nuclear Suppliers Group.
She said Pakistan has sent application for the group's membership which is based on merit and grounded on sound technical capabilities.
Tehmina Janjua said Pakistan's nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.
Pakistan has a long tradition of international scientific collaboration and it is the first country to gain associate membership of CERN in our region.
Pakistan's participation will further the NSG's objectives.
Later, Director General of Strategic Export Control Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zafar Ali while talking to Radio Pakistan said Pakistan is a responsible country and has a strategic export control system in order to avoid the danger of proliferation to any non-state actors.