Friday, 07 March 2025, 12:09:29 am

Ulemas of all schools of thought, minority community visit to Jinnah House
May 09, 2024

A delegation of religious scholars of all schools of thought and the minority community visited Jinnah House in Lahore today.

While condemning the tragic 9 May incident the delegation paid tribute to the Pakistan Army in the manner in which they saved Pakistan from destruction by showing patience and foiling the enemy's plan.

Speaking on the occasion, they said that those who wanted to blaze the house of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah do not deserve any concession or pardon.

Expressing his views, a religious leader of the Hindu community Bhagat Lal, said that we condemn along with demand that the arrested miscreants be punished.

The President of Pakistan Christian Alliance said that the Christian community of Pakistan will always stand with the Pakistan Army.