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Int’l Parliamentary Convention emphasizes on parliamentary supremacy, rule of law
May 11, 2023

The International Parliamentary Convention has called for greater cooperation amongst the world democracies to promote democratic values, constitutionalism and rule of law in their respective countries.

The outcome document adopted on the conclusion of a two-day international parliamentary convention in Islamabad on Thursday also emphasized on ensuring balance of the trichotomy of powers to promote peace, prosperity for secure sustainable and prosperous future for coming generations.

The document emphasized  that parliamentary supremacy, rule of law and independence of judiciary as envisaged by the father of the nation Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the constitution of the Pakistan as well as other constitutional democracies have to be respected for a just social and political order aimed at ensuring freedoms.

The participants of the convention reaffirmed to work together in unison to ensure well-being and protection of fundamental rights and prosperities of people as enshrine in the constitutions of their countries. 

The document reiterated to unite a cross countries, cultures and faiths as well as taking forward knowledge of the wisdom, drawn from this Parliamentary convention and its inspirational theme, "My Constitution Guarantees of My Freedoms".

It also expressed participants desire to work together to strengthen their role of presentation, legislation and oversight as elected representatives of the people.