Monday, 10 March 2025, 02:44:46 am

December 11, 2020






  • Complaints from PBC retired employees are being received regarding “Misappropriation of G.P Fund Interest.” The matter has been probed and clarified as under:-
  •  Finance Division has already conveyed vide U.O. dated 27-02-1997 “Additional benefit of 30% over and above rate of interest of GP Fund is not allowed to Corporation Employees.”


  • The Wafaqi Mohtasib Secretariat, Regional Office Lahore conveyed in its decision on 27-01-1994 that the case was closed with the remarks “In view of the above facts I find no maladministration on the part of the agency, the case is therefore closed.”


  • The Wafaqi Mohtasib Secretariat, Islamabad conveyed in its decision on 24-08-1995 that “The Agency has given its report. I do not find any reason to interfere in the matter, in view of the provisions of Article 9(2) of the President’s Order No.1 of 1983. The complaint is disposed off, accordingly.”


  • The Federal Services Tribunal, Islamabad in case filed by M/S. Shereshah Malik, and Nishat Ahmed Anjum , conveyed on 21.08.1999 “We find that rate of interest is a matter of yearly basis. Statement of ten years from 1986 to 1996 shows that normal interest and interest + 30% Bonus 14.66% to 15.49% and 19.05% to 20.14% and not at fixed rate of 30%. Learned counsel for the appellants failed to prove his case by providing/ submitting any documents in his support, whereas the respondent-Corporation proved their contentions by filing documents. They have tried to benefit their employees and they sent the case of 30% interest to the Ministry of Information and Finance Division but could not get through by getting positive reply. Hence we are of the view that the appeals have no merit and hereby dismissed with no order as to costs.”

