Wednesday, 26 March 2025, 10:32:03 am

Brig Shah says foreign sponsored uprising present in Balochistan
January 13, 2025

Brigadier (R) Mahmood Shah (Defense Analyst): Pakistan and China are making all out efforts to accelerate pace on projects falling under the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which is a game changer projects for the whole region. However, Americans and Indians are very critical towards this project. Therefore we find foreign sponsored uprising in Balochistan, but it is a fact that we have quite capable and determined armed forces to root out terrorism from our soil. I think that we need to enhance the presence of our security forces in Balochistan to place a check on cross border movement of terrorists. Actually Balochistan is not densely populated province and a large number of mountains in Balochistan are without human presence. In this context we need to increase the deployment of security personnel in Balochistan. Our armed forces are gaining victories over terrorists therefore we need not to be hopeless as we will definitely defeat the terrorists.