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Analysts laud positive outcomes of CoD to ensure political stability
May 14, 2023

Qamar Zaman Kaira (Leader, PPP) The Charter of Democracy was the initiative of Benazir Bhutto Shaheed. She herself visited Main Nawaz Sharif in 2006 and both the leaders agreed to sign this important document. The leaders of PPP and PML-N probably realizing their mistake of not respecting the mandate of each other agreed to respect each other's mandate in future. The world witnessed that after the elections of 2008 both the parties have completed their prescribed tenure of 5 years by respecting the mandate of the other and following the code of conduct. It is unfortunate that whatever the PTI government is doing is only weakening the democratic system. Mian Shehbaz Sharif who was the opposition leader at that time, Asif Ali Zardari and Bilawal Bhutto invited the PTI Chairman to reach a consensus on the charter of economy in the greater national interest amid worsening economic crises. But the response of the PTI Chairman was inflexible. We still believe that political issues must be resolved through negotiations.

Kamran Murtaza (Senator, JUI-F) Whatever is happening in the country, PTI chairman Imran Khan is responsible for that. He has dissolved 3 assemblies resulting in putting the country's integrity at stake. His demand is the before time elections in the country which is against the constitution. Now there is a state of chaos and anarchy across the country. The historic corps commander’s house in Lahore was attacked by PTI supporters. The violent protesters en­tered the corps commander’s residence, ransacked the building, destroyed the furniture, dam­aged other fixtures and later set it on fire. PDM is also holding a protest but there is no resemblance in our protest and PTI's protest. Our workers have not even broken a glass during protests in the past.

Shakeela Luqman (Leader, PML-N) PML-N and PPP signed the historic Charter of Democracy and also ensured its implementation in its true spirits. Unfortunately, the PTI Chairman considers himself superior to state, law and the constitution. The country has never witnessed such a situation in the era of dictatorship as it is witnessing today. The PTI workers on the directions of their leadership have damaged state buildings and private properties resulting in financial loss of billions of rupees. Imran Khan was arrested on corruption charges. He must have to present himself before the investigative agencies and clear himself if he is innocent. But unfortunately he thinks himself above the law and answerable to no one.

Dr Amir Raza (Political Expert) Almost 17 years have passed since the Charter of Democracy was signed. Both the major political parties at that time reached a mutual consensus to promote rule of law. The polity of Pakistan has witnessed some positive outcomes such as completion of terms by the last two assemblies. The 18th Amendment is also an outcome of the COD, under which infringements on the constitution of Pakistan were reversed. PTI has to decide whether it wants to function as a political party or as a terrorist organization. The violent protests following the arrest of Imran Khan a few days back raise serious concerns about the stability of Pakistan and the spread of fascism, both on the streets and in the digital world. There is a global consensus that the rise of fascism has been a persistent threat to democracy and human rights throughout history.

Dr Farooq Adil (IR Expert)  The core of democracy is the right of self-determination of the people as to what kind of political, economic and social system and public policies a country or region must have. The most important indicator of the quality of democracy in a country, specifically like Pakistan, could be the scale of social, political and economic stability. Keeping in view the condition of the country in the last couple of days it seems that Imran Khan has nothing to do with democracy and national interests never remained the priority of this political party. The recent violent protests were not a peaceful political demonstration but a horrendous display of unrestrained aggression that defies all explanation. PTI is becoming more dangerous for Pakistan than its arch-rival India. In my opinion, Imran Khan should be tried for treason charges as he had instigated rebellion among the institutions. The way digital media is used to incite violence after Imran Khan’s arrest has become a matter of national security. PTI leaders provoked their workers to destroy the public and private properties which is unethical and against the law.

Murtaza Solangi (Senior Journalist) After the end of the martial law in 1988, Benazir Bhutto became the first female Prime Minister of the Muslim world. Democracy returned in Pakistan at that time. However, due to the political differences between the two major political parties in the country, democracy could not take roots. However, after the end of Gen Pervaiz Musharraf's era, both these parties signed the historic Charter of Democracy. The Charter of Democracy which was signed in 2006 between the two major parties of that time has played a positive role in providing political stability thereafter. The agenda of the Charter of Democracy was implemented and power was transferred to the Prime Minister from the President making the power more powerful. After the 18th amendment the provincial government was also empowered. However, there is still an unfinished agenda of the Charter of Democracy which is the creation of the Federal Constitution Court. Basically, PTI was established to weaken democracy and reduce the influence of major political parties. Now this political party is responsible for chaos and anarchy in the country.