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NA passes two resolutions expressing unwavering solidarity with armed forces
May 15, 2023

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The National Assembly on Monday unanimously passed two resolutions expressing unwavering support and solidarity with the armed forces and security agencies.

The two resolutions moved by Sabir Qaimkhani and Wajeeha Qamar said they stand shoulder to shoulder with them.

The house condemned unequivocally the acts of vandalism and burning of infrastructure following the arrest of a nabbed accused Imran Khan.

The resolutions voiced serious concerns and outrage over the negative impact of the violent acts on the socio economic development, public welfare and stability of the country.

Strongly condemning the attacks on Jinnah House, the GHQ, memorials of the martyrs, historic buildings, mosques and schools,  the resolutions recognized and appreciated the vital role played by the armed forces and security agencies in upholding the sovereignty, safeguarding public order and ensuring the safety and security of the people.

Recognizing the importance of bringing the criminals to justice and upholding the rule of law, the resolutions called for swift and impartial investigation into these incidents and urged the government to take severe action against the perpetrators regardless of their affiliation or political background.

The house condemned the baseless allegations being levelled by a political party against the Defence institutions, stressing that such elements should be given strict punishment as per the law.

Voicing concerns over the recent decisions of the Supreme Court, the house noted that these have undermined the institution’s credibility and impartiality.

The house recognized the constitutional imperative of an impartial and independent judiciary in upholding the rule of law, ensuring justice and safeguarding democratic principles of the nation. The resolutions noted that it is essential that the judiciary functions without biasness and favouritism to maintain the trust and confidence of the people. 

The National Assembly today also passed a motion, constituting a special committee to prepare and forward reference or references under article 209 to the Supreme Judicial Council on the ground of misconduct and other facts available against any judge or judges of the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

The motion to this effect was moved by Shazia Sobia

Members of the committee include Mohsin Nawaz Ranjha, Khurshid Ahmad Junejo, Salahuddin Ayubi, Salahuddin and Shehnaz Baloch.

Defence Minister Khawaja Asif speaking in the National Assembl said a committee of the National Assembly should be constituted to review the conduct of the Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP).

He said if the misconduct is proven, a reference should be filed against him before the Supreme Judicial Council as per the constitution. He said nobody can be allowed to play with the law and constitution.

The Defence Minister said that a section of the judiciary is not doing justice but politics, and is supporting a political group. 

He said this section of judiciary is not delivering judgments in accordance with the constitution but on the basis of politics. He said the constitutional powers rested with the judiciary are being breached.

Khawaja Asif emphasized that the time has come when the parliament asserts its power and sends a strong message to defend its territory.

He said a particular group of judiciary is giving unprecedented concessions and relief to PTI Chairman Imran Khan in corruption cases. 

Khawaja Asif said this not only amounts to violating the constitution but also backing the one who is behind ransacking of Corps Commander Lahore residence and monuments of martyrs.

He said the nation and the system have given respect to the judiciary which should fulfil the responsibility of dispensing justice.

The Defence Minister said a committee should also be formed to review the hundreds of thousands of cases pending before the courts.

Strongly condemning the violent attacks on the monuments of martyrs, Khawaja Asif said the security personnel have sacrificed their lives for our better future. He said they continue to render lives in the war on terrorism.

In his remarks, Leader of Opposition Raja Riaz strongly condemned the recent violent acts in the country. He said those who attacked the Corps Commander house in Lahore and the monuments of martyrs are enemies of the state. 

He said the trained elements of the PTI were behind these despicable acts. He emphasized the need for expressing complete solidarity with the armed forces of Pakistan.

Salahuddin of MQM said the recent violent acts are intolerable. He said the judiciary is giving concessions to PTI Chairman Imran Khan at whose behest public and private properties were ransacked.

Maulana Salahuddin Ayubi said nobody is above the law but regretted that a person who is behind the recent acts of violence and involved in corrupt practices is being provided relief by the judiciary.  He said the PTI chairman wants civil war in the country.

Qadir Khan Mandokhail said the way the monuments of martyrs were desecrated and vandalized is condemnable.

Minister for Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal said the Supreme Court is the guardian of law, and hence, it should be independent and impartial.

He said the conduct of a few judges is making the apex court controversial. He also stated that a reference should be filed against the Chief Justice of Pakistan as his conduct has become a threat to the justice system.  

Ahsan Iqbal said we consider the Supreme Court a sacred institution and we want to protect its impartiality and independence.

He said Al-Qadir Trust is an open and shut case of sixty billion rupees corruption against PTI Chairman Imran Khan. He regretted that former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was disqualified in a fake case.

In his remarks, Khalid Hussain Magsi said the recent violent acts damaged the image of Pakistan in the outside world. He said an investigation should be carried out into the excesses.

Minister for Communications Maulana Asad Mehmood said that PTI Chairman Imran Khan was imposed on this country through rigged elections in 2018.

He said we ousted him through a vote of no confidence in accordance with the constitution. He said we stand for supremacy of law and constitution, and that the rights of the people of Pakistan will be protected by the parliament.

Minister for Climate Change Sherry Rehman said the incidents of arson and vandalism over the arrest of Imran Khan were pre planned. She said the PTI had hired certain elements to carry out violent acts in the country. She said the leaders of PPP and PML-N were arrested in the PTI government but nobody took notice of them.  She said the favors are only being provided to the PTI Chairman and that too in corruption cases such as that of Al-Qadir Trust.

Others who spoke on the occasion included: Akhtar Mengal, Akbar Chitrali, Qaiser Ahmad Sheikh.

The House has now been adjourned to meet again tomorrow at eleven am.