Musharraf Ali Farooqi, the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Storykit, says his organization has rescinded the sponsorship money given by the European Union to support the Pakistan Spelling Bee project, an educational event for Pakistani children, as a token of protest.
In a statement, he said the Storykit, which works as an educational organization, stands for the safety, dignity and welfare of all children of the world, and respects all people and faiths.
The CEO Stoykit said as the organizers of Pakistan Spelling Bee to have an educational event for Pakistani children, it would be unconscionable for us to have as our sponsorship the European Union, which has recently offered political support to the apartheid Israeli regime’s dehumanization and unfolding genocide of the innocent Palestinian children, women and men and criminalized lawful dissent by European citizens in their own societies.
Musharraf Ali Farooqi said we would like to believe that fundamental rights and international laws and conventions are not based on rhetoric which can be bent on one way or the other to suit a party’s interests. But on a common morality, we can teach our children so that they can grow up believing in a common humanity.