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Analyst terms RAW’s role vital in spreading int’l terrorism
November 15, 2023

Dr. Muhammad Khan (IR Analyst): Extremist organizations there, including RSS and Bajrang Dal, benefited greatly from this heinous act of the Indian government. Moreover, international terrorist organizations have been benefiting greatly from India's money laundering. India not only provides financial support to various terrorist organizations around the world but is involved in spreading terrorism all over the world۔ In this regard, the role of India’s intelligence organization RAW has been very important as it played vital role in terrorist financing. It is now the duty of FATF to bring India to book for its involvement in the heinous practice of international money laundering, as this is what justice demands.

Dr.Manzoor Afridi (IR Analyst): World community is not paying the required amount of attention to resolve the issues of Kashmir and Palestine. The both issues have become flash point at the global stage. Israel’s action in Gaza is not just causing destabilization in Middle East but also causing losses to Israel. Tel Aviv is able to prolong war against the innocent Palestinians because it enjoys the support of United States. International community should stop the support of Israel in all aspects in order to put an end to the conflict.