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Analysts say Prime Minister will highlight regional and global issues during his UNGA address
September 18, 2023

Najam us Saqib (Former Ambassador): Prime Minister in his address at the UNGA is likely to address key issues relating to Pakistan. These include climate change, plight of Kashmiris in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, and the problem of terrorists launching attacks in Pakistan from Afghanistan. The Prime Minister will also highlight various economic measures including the initiative of Special Investment Facilitation Council in order to attract foreign investment into Pakistan. This has to be showcased while highlighting the positive impacts of Pakistan’s economy. The Prime Minister will convey a message to the world that we are a mature and responsible nation and are working to improve our economy. The caretaker Prime Minister will also present his views about the adverse impacts of climate change including the floods that hit Pakistan last year. He will remind the international community of its unfulfilled pledges regarding flood aid. He will also inform the UN member states about the threat Pakistan is facing from Afghan side in the form of terrorists launching attacks on our territory.   

Dr. Noor Fatima (Political Economist): This is the world of integration and you have to create links with countries to prosper. Pakistan has a very active foreign policy at the moment and Islamabad is trying to create friendly relations with all the countries. As far as Central Asian countries are concerned, we have strong historical and brotherly ties with all of them. We can benefit from immense hydro-carbon resources present in the Central Asian states. Our foreign policy should focus more on the region to gain more benefits. In the previous years, the momentum of enhancing trade ties with our central Asian friends was not fast. However, the current government is focusing more on reaping maximum benefits from ties with these countries.

Anwar Iqbal (US Journalist): Pakistan always raises the issue of Kashmir at all international forums, including the UN. This year’s UN summit will discuss sustainable development goals. Pakistan has a specific position that the developing nations burdened with debt are given relief. Prime Minister during his one to one meeting with various world leaders will highlight Pakistan’s economy and will encourage them to invest in various sectors in Pakistan. The Prime Minister will present Pakistan’s point of view on various issues.