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Analysts urge international community to promptly address the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip
November 18, 2023

Dr. Muhammad Khan (Defense Analyst) 

India has always been involved in promoting state sponsored terrorism. Almost all South Asian countries are facing Indian sponsored terrorism through well organized and trained groups. For a long time, Maldives remained under India’s sphere of influence. But, the newly elected President of Maldives has asked India to get its troops out of the country.  The presence of these troops could put the Maldives at risk, especially during the time of rising tension between India and China. Pakistan and China have been enjoying strong relations. China is supporting Pakistan in uplifting its economy through the China Pakistan Economic Corridor project. The main theme of Chinese initiative is connectivity. Gwadar port has been fully functional and will attract the foreign trade.  

Dr. Zahid Anwar Khan (IR Expert)

The situation in the Middle East is very critical and it is a challenge for the civilized world. There is dire need to take serious notice of grave human rights violations being committed in Gaza by Israeli troops. Israel is playing with the sentiments of Muslim Ummah across the globe. The state terrorism by Israel must be stopped on the immediate basis and the world powers need to intervene in this regard. The atrocities committed in Gaza will have long lasting effects on international peace and stability. 

A.M Shahid (Former Ambassador): 

It is unfortunate that so-called human rights champions and so-called democracies in the world are silent on war-crimes committed by Israeli troops in Gaza. Israel is targeting schools and hospitals in Gaza which is against international laws and ethics. Over 12000 innocent Palestinians have sacrificed their lives as a result of Israeli bombing. Pakistan has called for a ceasefire and stopping of atrocities on Palestinians. The world powers must use their influence to stop Israeli aggression. It is also a question mark on the credibility of the United Nations.