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India & Israel involved in worst human rights violations: Analysts
November 19, 2023

Brig (Retd) Waqar Hassan (Defense Analyst): Leveling baseless allegations that Pakistan is providing weapons to Israel is part of rubbish propaganda to malign Pakistan. The matter of fact is that 18 Indian correspondents are present in Israel to advance the Israeli perspective. Muslim world has exerted immense pressure on India hence New Delhi is attempting to divert the world's attention through different tactics. The “EU DisinfoLab” had already exposed Indian malicious propaganda against Pakistan. Pakistan is pursuing a clear and unequivocal policy from 1947 that it will not recognize Israel until establishment of a state of Palestinian. It is unfortunate that the social media activists of a particular political party are also a part of this anti-Pakistan propaganda campaign. A few days back, there was a campaign against the Chief of Army Staff as well. Targeting the leadership through social media is tantamount to targeting Pakistan.

Brig (Retd) Rashid Wali (Defense Analyst): Accusing Pakistan for supporting Israel is totally ridiculous. Pakistan has a consistent and crystal clear policy from day one that Pakistan will never accept the state of Israel until the people of Palestine get their full rights and a separate Palestinian state. The government has already issued statements expressing strong support to the people of Palestine. The Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations Munir Akram has also explicitly expressed Pakistan’s stance and narrative that ceasefire in Gaza is the top-most demand of the country. Some elements have been using social media to create confusions among the masses. The culprits involved in such anti-Pakistan campaigns must be dealt with iron hands.

Dr. Munawar Hussain (IR Expert): India is occupying Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir against the will of the Kashmiri people. It has deployed a huge army in the valley just to target the youth striving to get their right to self-determination in accordance with UN resolutions. India is used to stage false flag operations in different areas just to malign Pakistan. Such Indian policies might lead to a nuclear conflict between two nuclear states. India is following the footsteps of Israel as Israel is also committing severe atrocities in Gaza on innocent Palestine people.

Brig (Retd) Manzoor (Defense Analyst): It is not the first time that India is attempting to malign Pakistan. Since 1947, India has always tried to blame Pakistan on different pretexts. We have also been facing the challenge of 5th generation warfare. In the recent past, Pakistan has been blamed for supporting Ukraine in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, but our foreign office negated all such fabricated reports. Now, once again India is leveling completely baseless allegations against  Pakistan of supporting Israel. Basically, some elements are targeting the Pakistan Army through this malicious propaganda. Unfortunately, some of our social media activists are also part of the malicious propaganda. Pakistan condemns the Israeli aggression on Palestinians at all fora. Such elements are attempting to create differences between our military leadership and nation, but they will never succeed in their nefarious conspiracy. The matter of fact is that recently, in his interaction with Ullema, Chief of Army Staff General, Asim Munir expressed concerns over the worsening situation in Gaza. It is the responsibility of print and electronic media to expose the anti-Pakistan elements.

Brig (Retd) Saeed Ahmed Minhas (Defense Analyst): There are some social media accounts in Pakistan which are always trying to target the state institutions. These accounts are involved in propaganda against the military leadership. Now, the Indian media is attempting to create hype about such news that Pakistan is providing arms to the Israeli troops to be used against the Palestinians. Actually, India itself is pro-Israel and world is seeing India and Israel in the same manner as both these countries have been involved in worst human rights violations in Palestine and in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir respectively. India considers Pakistan as a hurdle in its hegemonic designs in the region.