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UNGA panel adopts four Pakistan-piloted resolutions
November 21, 2022

(File Photo)

The UN General Assembly’s Third Committee has adopted four resolutions submitted by Pakistan on behalf of Group of 77 developing countries and China.

The resolutions include texts addressing racism, xenophobia and related intolerance, social development, International Year of the Family as well as aging.

Under the terms of the draft, the 193-member General Assembly would regret the evils inflicted on millions of people as a result of slavery, colonialism, apartheid, genocide and past tragedies.

Introducing the draft on behalf of G77 and China, Pakistan's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, Aamir Khan, underpinned the group’s concerns over the resurgence of racism and related phenomena in all walks of life. He called on states to oppose Islamophobia and antisemitism.