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Analysts say world should take India to task on its involvement in state sponsored terrorism
September 24, 2023

Gopal Singh Chawla (Sikh Leader): We have been saying since the outset that India is persecuting the minorities including Sikhs, Muslims, Christians and Dalits. However, the world did not listen carefully. Now, the international community has realized that India has been involved in such activities after the killing of Sikh citizen in Canada by Indian agents. Indian government has also murdered Sikhs in Pakistan and Afghanistan.  It is due to God’s blessing that India has been fully exposed. We appreciate the courageous step of Canadian government to point out India in this killing.  In 1947, Indian government had promised Sikhs to grant them a separate homeland of Khalistan if they join India. In 1952, they tried to rob the identity of Sikhs. And in 1984, they launched Operation Blue Star to crush Sikhs. They have also announced reward money on my head despite causing no harm to India.

Dr. Zafar Bangash (IR Expert, Toronto):  It is a gruesome murder which occurred in Surrey, BC in which a prominent leader of Sikh community was assassinated. He was president of Guru Nanak Gurdwara and was spearheading efforts to organize a referendum for the establishment of Khalistan, a separate homeland for Sikhs in India. It has been proven that Indian government agents were involved in his killing. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in his parliament announced the involvement of India in this heinous attack. Indian agents in their consulate in Ottawa were directly found to be involved in this act. Indian government continues to deny its role but this will not help them. Pakistan has been asking the international community, including Canadian authorities, for years to look into the activities of Indian agents in their country. India expresses gratitude to nobody and it is a fact that Canada supplied nuclear technology to India. A large number of Indian students are still studying in various universities of Canada.