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NAB introduces First Phase of internal reforms
January 26, 2024

The National Accountability Bureau has introduced revolutionary reforms under which incomplete and anonymous complaints will be discarded at the initial level.

The new guidelines have been issued for fair handling of complaints and to inject greater efficiency and transparency in NAB operations.

Under the new guidelines, malafide and frivolous complaints will be considered as cognizable offence and liable to legal action against such applicants in the Courts of Law.

Parameters have been defined in the new guidelines for submission of complaints, providing complete personal details of applicant with affidavit, in which admitting that the information provided in the complaint is correct and without any malafide intentions. Further, the applicant will be liable to legal action under the law, if allegations are not proved.

Considering damage of the self-respect and self-esteem of persons against the moral code of ethics, the persons complained against, shall be addressed as "Defendants" in the new guidelines. Further, identity of the defendant will be kept confidential until guilt is proven.

Dedicated Complaint Cells have been established at NAB headquarters in Islamabad and Regional Bureaus under the direct supervision of Chairman NAB and Deputy Chairman NAB to initiate investigation into complaints at initial stage.

Initially, the process of complaint verification will be ensured completed within a prescribed period of seven to fifteen days. The defendant will not be called during this period.

The specific guidelines have been issued for processing the complaints against elected representatives, bureaucracy and businessmen. Identity of defendants and government officials will be kept strictly confidential during complaint verification process. Complaints against officials upto BPS-19 shall be authorized by Regional Director Generals, whereas approval of process on complaints against officers of BS-20 and above will be authorized by Chairman NAB. Government officials will not be called in person in NAB premises during verification and inquiry stage.

Besides, accountability Facilitation Cells are being established in respective Civil Secretariats for verification of requisite information of government officials considering their self-respect and dignity. Likewise, separate Business Facilitation Cells comprising representation of respective Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Realtors and Business Associations are being established for processing complaints against businessmen keeping dignified code of probe.

A feedback mechanism of the visitors shall be adopted by all Regional Bureaus, whereas a proforma both in English and Urdu will be issued to all visitors for providing their feedback in writing regarding duration he was burdened to wait and interaction with investigation officer and conduct of investigating officer. His feedback will be given due importance and will be presented to the chain of command.

Measures have been described in the new guidelines regarding pending complaints, whereas complaints which don't meet the criteria, shall be disposed of by respective Regional Bureaus after taking appropriate measures.

No NAB officer has been allowed to contact the defendants during the initial complaint verification process. If a complaint is received against a woman, she will be called for investigation along with her blood relative and in case of relative is not available, a female officer of NAB will conduct the inquiry.

Further, it was decided that in future, main focus of NAB will be on mega corruption and money laundering cases.