Air Vice Marshal, Retired, Ikramullah Bhatti (Defense Expert): India has emerged as a fascist Hindu state under the leadership of Narendra Modi. Indian politicians are habitual of using ant-Pakistan card for political gains and electoral campaigns. The Balakot incident brought severe humiliation to India. New Delhi’s false claims of surgical strikes stand badly exposed in front of the world community. Pakistan Air Force gave a befitting response to Indian misadventure on 26 February, 2019. Pakistan always pursued policy of forging peaceful relations with its neighboring countries. Although, Pakistan wants to resolve all outstanding issues with India through peaceful dialogue, but its desire for peace should not be misconstrued as its weakness.
Lieutenant General, Retired, Naeem Khalid Lodhi (Defense Analyst): The recent contact between military officials of Pakistan and India regarding ceasefire along LoC is appreciable. Pakistan considers negotiated settlement of regional disputes as only viable option to promote peace in the region. Islamabad always endorses positive initiatives taken for regional peace and security. Pakistan believes in peaceful coexistence with its neighbors. Pakistan Army is capable enough to give befitting response to Indian aggression. It is a diplomatic victory for Pakistan that the world has started taking notice of Indian atrocities in IIOJ&K. We urge India to resolve all outstanding disputes through dialogue. Peace and persecution cannot go parallel with each other. India should stop massive human rights violations in the held valley and make efforts for resolving outstanding disputes with Pakistan. Islamabad has successfully contained New Delhi's hegemonic policies.
Lieutenant General, Retired, Raza Muhammad Khan (Defense Analyst): The BJP-led regime in India is using its military and other institutions as proxy for political gains. Pakistan wisely handled the Balakot false flag operation and gave a very calculated response to avoid any escalation. Pakistan's mature retaliation proved that Pakistan is a responsible nuclear state. Modi's irresponsible statements indicate that Indian nuclear assets are not in safe hands. India must act upon the ceasefire violations agreements to de-escalate tension in the region. The United States must pressurize India to refrain from destabilizing the balance of power in the region. A meaningful dialogue is the ultimate solution to the Kashmir dispute. The issue of Kashmir must be resolved in accordance with the will of Kashmiri people. India is habitual of propagating falsehood to defame Pakistan at the international front. International political environment has significantly changed in recent years. The freedom struggle in Kashmir should not be equated with terrorism. The United States and Israel have a history of using India as a proxy against China. The world has realized that India's political and military leadership misleads the world community through falsehood. It is the moral responsibility of the world powers to take appropriate actions to stop Indian atrocities in IIOJK.
Rahimullah Yousafzai (Expert on Afghan Affairs): The success of Afghan reconciliation process requires ultimate seriousness of the stakeholders concerned. The change in US administration would prolong the Afghan peace process. All the stakeholders must show flexibility for the success of peace talks. The United States must ensure political stability in Afghanistan before complete withdrawal of US troops. It is not solely the responsibility of Pakistan to maintain peace in Afghanistan. All the stakeholders must take collective efforts to retain sustainable peace in Afghanistan. India is playing a very negative role in Afghan peace process. New Delhi is using Afghan soil for strategic interests and terrorists activities. Pakistan has a clear stance that peace in Afghanistan is in the best interest of the entire region. The world powers acknowledge the fact that the road to Afghan peace passes through Pakistan. Russia and China can play a significant role to sustain peace in Afghanistan.