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Nation celebrates Youm-e-Takbeer in commemoration of Pakistan's historic nuclear tests
May 28, 2023

The Silver Jubilee anniversary of Pakistan’s nuclear tests conducted 25 years ago on May 28,1998 was observed on Sunday.

The day was marked as Youm-i-Takbeer that led to achievement of invincible defence capabilities of the country and ensured regional stability through power equilibrium. 

The nuclear tests made Pakistan the seventh nuclear nation of the world and the first Muslim state, having the nuclear arsenal in its defense stockpile.

The tests not only demonstrated the resolve of the Pakistani nation to safeguard Pakistan’s territorial integrity, independence and sovereignty, but also the desire to preserve strategic balance in South Asia.

The historic statement of former Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto that they would starve but transform the country into a nuclear power, led to achievement of this milestone.

On that day, the Pakistani leadership, notwithstanding external pressures and Indian hegemonic designs to tilt power balance through its nuclear tests, opted courageously in 1998 to respond, and restored the power balance in South Asia by conducting nuclear tests.

With such tactical and sagacious response by Pakistan on May 28, 1998, it became “a red letter day” in the country’s history, silencing the belligerent ruling junta in its neighbourhood that was clamouring with ill-conceived expansionist designs.

Youm-e-Takbeer, which literally means “the day when Allah’s name was exalted” regularly infuses new verve into the high soaring spirits of a nation which refused to cower down by the repeated threats of war mongering mindset in its neighourhood.

The history of acquiring the modern nuclear technology for exercising maximum restraint and for purely peaceful purposes, entails commitment, patriotism and strong obligation on the part of Pakistani leadership, for territorial integrity of the country.

India had tested its “device” for the first time in 1974 which compelled Pakistan to expedite its nuclear programme with renewed commitment.

Amid slogans of “Allah-o-Akbar”, Pakistan conducted its first test on May 28, 1998, at the RasKoh hills in the Chaghai District of Balochistan.

But resisting the mounting external pressures to restrain and not to respond in kind, the then Prime Minister of Pakistan Muhammad Nawaz Sharif went for the bold decision to test the Pakistani nukes and thus balancing the strategic slanting power in the region.

Pakistan is committed to the promotion of environment of peace and stability in South Asia, while preserving its capability to ward off aggression or adventurism in any form.

It is a partner in international efforts to strengthen the global non-proliferation regime based on the principles of non-discrimination and equal security for all states.

It adheres to the latest international standards on export controls and maintains highest standards of nuclear safety and security.