Sunday, 30 June 2024, 01:02:23 am

Tahir Ashrafi appeals to CJP to introduce judicial reforms
December 31, 2023

Special Representative to the Prime Minister on Religious Harmony Maulana Tahir Ashrafi has appealed to Chief Justice of Pakistan to introduce reforms in judicial system.

Talking to newsmen in Lahore on Sunday, he underlined the need for reforms in the system.

Expressing concern over the incident on May 9th, Tahir Ashrafi emphasized the importance of holding accountable those involved in the incident.

The Special Representative on Religious Harmony shared that Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar, in a show of solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine, has prohibited all forms of New Year celebrations in the country.

Additionally, aid has been dispatched to support innocent Palestinians.