Dr. A. Z. Hilali (IR Expert): Pakistan acted very generously by handing captured pilot over to Indian authorities. This move was aimed at de-escalating tensions after days of hostilities between India and Pakistan. Pakistan Air Force shot down two Indian aircraft violating Pakistani airspace in February 2019. One of the Indian aircraft fell inside AJK whose pilot was captured. The situation is still tense not only in India but also in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The Indian government through its illegal and unilateral move abrogated the article 370 and 35-A of IIOJ&K which is a violation of international laws. The IAF pilot Abhinandan received the Vir Chakra, the third-highest wartime gallantry award for showing so-called courage whereas the international experts and the US officials have already confirmed that no Pakistani F-16 was shot down on the day. India can no longer hide behind its conspiracies and allegations as its face has already been exposed in front of the world.