Friday, 28 March 2025, 05:36:34 pm

life and works of Makhdoom Talib-ul- Moula
January 12, 2018

Moderator & Producer: Ali Akbar Hingorjo

Participants: Mr. Inayat Baloch, Sarfaraz Rajar, Muhammad Ali Banban and Syed Ihsan Ali Shah

Makhdoom Muhammad Zaman Talibul Moula was trend setting poet, Scholar, culturist, renowned politician , respected spiritual leader and a dedicated promoter of literature and art. He was the 17th Sajjada Nasheen of the Dargah Hazrat Makhdoom Nooh (RA) of Hala. Hazrat Makhdoom Sarwar Nooh (R.A) was one of the highly revered saints of the Sub Continent. Makhdoom Muhammad Zaman Talibul Moula was born in 1919 in this highly prestigious Makhdoom Family of Hala.

He was a very good poet and prose writer of Sindhi language. He started composing poetry since the age of 11 years and it became his prime passion for the rest of his life. He was an accomplished poet of Ghazal, Kafi, Bait, Nazam and Qataa. He wrote twenty eight books of poetry and prose. According to many literary critics, he was one of the greatest Sindhi poets of his era.

He founded many literary organizations and institutions. He also established many literary periodicals including, Monthly Firdous, Pasban, Alzaman which played an important role in promotion of Sindhi Literature.

Production:PBC Hyderabad