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Press Release (11-02-2020)
February 11, 2020

                                                                          PAKISTAN BROADCASTING ACADEMY

                                                                      PAKISTAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION

                                                                                     Plot 37, Sector H-9



                                                                           August 5 action affect CPEC program

                                              India plans to totally change Kashmir demography in 5 years: Mishal

                                                     Ground being paved to achieve favorable plebiscite results


ISLAMABAD, February 11: Prominent Kashmiri leader, Mishal Malik said on Tuesday that Indiais working on a plan to change altogether the demography of Kashmir in the next five years andthen to agree to hold a plebiscite in order to get the favorable results.

She said this while speaking at a four-day workshop on “Modi’s Hindutva policy, bleedingKashmir, and the response of Pakistani media” organized by Pakistan Broadcasting Academy(PBA) here in collaboration with the PTV, APP and the National Press Club.

She lamented that after revocation of special status of Kashmir on August 5, India has rendered theKashmiri people aliens in their own homeland. Non-state subjects are being settled in Kashmir onthe pattern of Israeli settlers in Palestine, she said adding that every kind of repressive means arebeing applied for this purpose.

Mishal Malik said that the Indian forces had been using rape and molestation as a weapon of waragainst the Kashmiris. Hundreds of thousands of Kashmiri people have been martyred, maimed,incarcerated, rendered disabled and orphaned so far.

Referring to strong and intertwined bonds between Pakistan and Kashmir, she said that bothPakistan and Kashmir were interdependent, and their survival was linked to each other’s survival.Therefore, it is obligatory for every Pakistani to support the Kashmir cause, she said and added thatmedia owes the greatest responsibility in this regard.

Paying great homage to the father of the nation, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, prominentKashmiri leader said that he was a great envisioned leader and he had justifiably described Kashmiras the jugular vein of Pakistan. Such a leader has been produced by the contemporary history, sheadded.

Mishal Malik said that media including print, electronic and social media are actively pleading theKashmir issue from their respective platforms to familiarize their respective audience with the trueperspective of Kashmir issue, the negative implication of Modi’s Hindutva on the social fabric ofsociety, the naked human rights violations Indian forces have unleashed against the defenselessKashmiri people. In this connection, she particularly stressed the projection of Kashmir cause in theinternational media through articles, reports and interviews.

She appreciated the PBA for organizing this workshop on this sensitive issue and bringing the stateand private media on one platform to develop a consensus strategy for the coverage of Kashmirissue in line with the official Kashmir policy.

Earlier, on arrival at the PBA, Mishal Malik was warmly welcomed by Principal PBA MohammadTariq Chaudhry, other senior officials and participants of the training workshop.