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Press Release (10-02-2020)
February 10, 2020

                                                                          PAKISTAN BROADCASTING ACADEMY

                                                                      PAKISTAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION

                                                                                     Plot 37, Sector H-9



                                                                         Modi’s Hindutva new form of Nazism: Sheikh

                                                                         Special envoy must be appointed on Kashmir


ISLAMABAD, February 10: A four-day workshop on “Modi’s Hindutva policy, bleeding Kashmir and response of Pakistani media” began here at Pakistan Broadcasting Academy [PBA] of Radio Pakistan on Monday.

This is the first workshop on this sensitive topic organized by PBA in collaboration with Pakistan Television, Associated Press of Pakistan [APP] and National Press Club [NPC] Islamabad.

Addressing the participants drawn from the national print and electronic media, Sheikh Tajamul-ul-Islam, Executive Director, Kashmir Media Service dealt in detail with the background of Hindutva, its impacts on the region particularly on Pakistan and Kashmir, and the threats posed to the global peace.

He asserted that Hindutva was actually a form of Nazism.

He said Nazism had culminated in the World War-II, and similarly, toeing the line of Nazis, the Modi regime is also working on the hegemonic agenda; he said adding that under Hindutva philosophy, it intended to expand the geographical frontiers of India to the whole of India to establish “Greater India”.

Speaking on the occasion, Mahmood Riazuddin, retired Controller News, Radio Pakistan suggested that forceful psychological operations were needed to counter the Indian propaganda and Modi’s Hindutva policy. After August 5 action by India under which the occupied territory of Kashmir has been turned into a part of Indian Union in violation of the UN resolutions, the position has altogether changed and bilateralism has vanished. Therefore, a new approach and revised policy are required on the Kashmir issue.

He proposed that to aggressively counter the Indian lobbies and plead Pakistan’s case on Kashmir in an effective manner, it is necessary to appoint a special envoy on Kashmir.

Earlier welcoming the participants Muhammad Tariq Chaudhry, Principal PBA explained the objectives of the workshop and stressed the need of consensus strategy for national media to counter Pakistan-bashing by India, Hindutva and Indian propaganda blitz on Kashmir.


                                                                                  *** PRESS RELEASE ***