Thursday, 17 October 2024, 09:29:06 pm

Lok Mela 2021 kicks off at Islamabad
November 01, 2021

The inaugural ceremony of the 7-day Lok Mela was held today on Monday, 1st November 2021 at Lok Virsa. Minister for Federal Education, Professional Training, National Heritage & Culture Mr. Shafqat Mahmood was the chief guest on the occasion. Representatives of all the provinces, Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Gilgit Baltistan, Punjab Provincial Minister for Culture, Mr. Khayal Ahmed Kastro, Parliamentary Secretary for National Heritage & Culture Ms Ghazala Saifi, Federal Secretary for National Heritage & Culture Mr. Asif Haider Shah, Executive Director Lok Virsa Mr. Talha Ali Kushvaha were also present besides hundreds of master artisans, folk artists, musicians from all parts of the country.

According to the tradition, Lok Mela opens with a Dastarbandi/ Chardarposhi of established master artisans and folk artists. “Dastarbandi” is a symbol of Lok Virsa’s sustained campaign to keep the heritage of Pakistan alive and continuing. When you place a turban or chaddar on some one’s head, you have placed your complete trust in that person’s wisdom and his stature in life. This is Lok Virsa’s way of showing that the craftspeople and folk artists have importance in national life and they have made a great contribution to our culture. This year master artisans of pottery Niaz Ahmed, Fouzia Naheed, doll maker and renowned folk artist Bushra Sadiq were honoured.


In his address, Federal Minister Shafqat Mahmood welcomed all the participants of the mela hailing from different parts of the country. He said that he always feel delighted while visiting Lok Virsa. This institute is determined for the conservation, preservation and propagation of folk cultural heritage of Pakistan. This festival is a part of government’s initiatives that encourages steps which are directly related for the betterment of people of Pakistan. The central focus of the festival is rural Pakistan. The direct beneficiaries are master craftspeople, folk artists, rural musicians and other performers from each and every corner of the country. The festival serves to disseminate the dynamic creativity of our countryside and would give rural folk a pride in their identity. He thanked executive director Lok Virsa and his team for holding such a beautiful event and ensure cooperation of his ministry.

In the evening, a musical evening of Gilgit Baltistan was held concurring the Independence Day of Gilgit Baltistan. Folk singers and musicians from Gilgit Baltistan presented melodious songs. Minster for Department of Planning, Development and Information, Government of Gilgit Baltistan Mr. Fateh ullah Khan was the chief guest. A large number of audience mostly belonging to Gilgit Baltistan enjoyed the evening. Folk singers including Ghulam Nabi, Iftikhar, Shakeel Sameen, Burhan, Sher Khan Jan Nisar, Ibrahim Jon, Mir Afzal, Abid, Jameel and Shehbaz along with regional dance group presented traditional songs and music of Gilgit Baltistan.

