Wednesday, 26 June 2024, 04:48:54 pm

APHC pays glowing tributes to heroes of 1965 war
September 05, 2023

The All Parties Hurriyat Conference has paid glowing tributes to the heroes of 1965 war who sacrificed lives to defend their motherland and frustrated evil designs of the enemy.

APHC Vice Chairman, Ghulam Ahmed Gulzar in a statement in Srinagar said, 6th September is the tale of bravery and heroism.

He said that the Kashmiris pray for the prosperity and development of Pakistan which is essential not only for the peace in the region but also the success of the ongoing legitimate freedom movement of the Kashmiri people.

Ghulam Ahmed Gulzar stressed the need for implementation of the UN resolutions in letter and spirit as the most viable solution to the Kashmir dispute.

Meanwhile, posters with pictures of Pakistan Army chief General Syed Asim Munir have appeared on the eve of September 6, the Defence Day of Pakistan, in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.       

The posters praising the Defence Day were displayed in different parts of Srinagar and other areas of the Kashmir valley. It has been hoped through the posters that the time is not far away when Kashmiris will enjoy freedom along with all basic rights.    

Senior APHC-AJK leader Muhammad Farooq Rehmani and Tehreek-e-Wahdat-e-Islami in their statements remembered renowned intellectual, leading voice of Kashmir freedom movement and former Executive Director of Kashmir Media Service, late Sheikh Tajammul-ul-Islam on his 2nd death anniversary, today.     

Sheikh Tajammul passed away on this day in 2021 at a hospital in Islamabad.

Meanwhile, Secretary General of World Kashmir Awareness Forum Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai has deplored the apathy of the US administration towards the sufferings of the Kashmiris in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. 

Talking to Kashmiri-Americans leaders in Chicago, he warned that US investments in India will remain exposed to grave danger as long as the South Asian region remains a nuclear flash point.