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Analysis:Partnership of LDC with developed nations significant for global prosperity
March 06, 2023

Ali Sarwar Naqvi (Former Ambassador):  The 5th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries in Doha is a good initiative however I am not hopeful for the positive outcomes of this summit. I would like to appreciate the address of the Prime Minister at the conference where he tried to convey a message to the developed countries to support the Least Developed Countries. Pakistan is determined to fully support and express solidarity with the developing countries.

Dr. Zahid Anwar Khan (IR Expert): It is an important development that the Prime Minister participated in the United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries in Doha. It will help Pakistan to understand the issues of Least Developed Countries particularly the economic issues and the issues related to sustainable development. It will help to communicate with other leaders in order to counter mutual issues. It was an important conference to find the solution to the problems and to find out the ways to get rid of the problems. The UN and the other international organizations can support the Least Developed Countries to address the economic issues. The debt of the LDCs is harming the economic situation of these countries. The debt burden must be resolved through collective efforts of the developed countries. 

Dr. Rasheed Ahmed Khan (IR Expert):  The incumbent government that came into power in unusual situation has managed to resume the relations with the friendly countries including Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia that were affected in the tenure of the previous government. The foreign minister Bilawal Bhutto is effectively following the foreign policy that resulted in the pledges beyond expectations. China's recent statement to support Pakistan in economic crisis is a positive development. Unfortunately, our relations with the neighboring countries including Iran, Afghanistan and China were also badly affected in previous government's tenure. China remains the time-tested friend of Pakistan and always supported Pakistan in critical time. At the time when the world is facing the economic recession, the developed countries are still supporting Pakistan.

 Hamayun Iqbal Shami (Chairman, Pakistan Economic Forum): Qatar is a very old friend of Pakistan and both the countries have been enjoying strong relations. Pakistan is importing LNG from Qatar and a huge Pakistani labor force is serving in Qatar. We must talk with Qatar on the trade issues as Doha is always looking for these opportunities. The political turmoil is the main reason behind the foreign investment not coming to the country. Even the local investors are hesitant to invest in development projects. Pakistan has a great investment opportunity and foreign investors are keen to invest in Pakistan, so there is a dire need to bring political stability in the country in order to provide a favorable atmosphere to the foreign direct investment.