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Minister for Religious Affairs reviews arrangements for pilgrims in Mashaier
June 11, 2024

Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Chaudhry Salik Hussain has asked the Saudi company Rehlat O Manafea to facilitate Pakistani pilgrims at Mashaier.

He expressed these views during his visit to office of the company at Makkah.

The purpose of Minister's visit was to review the arrangements made for Pakistani pilgrims, particularly during the Hajj days in Mashaier from 8th to 12th of Zilhaj.

Radio Pakistan correspondent in Makkah, Bilal Khan Mehsud reports that Rehlat O Manafea company is a service provider which is responsible to provide food, accommodation and transport to Pakistani pilgrims in Mashaier.

Upon arrival, the Minister was received by General Manager of the company Ahmed Abdul Latef Tammar along with his team.